Monday, June 11, 2007


Agness, my wife, participates in the work of a group of international students wives at Stellenbosch University, known as "SPICE GIRLS". The group is headed by two ladies, Maggie and Heide. They meet once every week on Tuesdays. This year in April the group organized a "Family Camp" at one one of the most neautiful beaches (Klenmond) in the Western Cape of South Africa. We participated as a family. Hence, we had a mountain hike during the camp (see photos).


Friday, September 01, 2006

Stellenbosch University International Food Night

On 25th August the Stellenbosch University conducted a night of international food. There was food from countries like South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, China, etc. Thipas family was there.

Joseph Thipa (Rev.), Stellenbosch, Republic of South Africa

Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Revs. Takuze Chitsulo and Stenford Mchenga achieve Master of Arts

My family and I congratulate the Revs. Takuze Chitsulo and Stenford Mchenga on their graduation with Master of Arts in Theology at Pittsburgh Presbyterian Theological Seminary in March this year. In addition, the Rev. Chitsulo one of the 18 students who received a special graduation award at the seminary (see photo). May God bless them in their ministry in the years to come!

Joseph & Agness Thipa, Stellenbosch University, South Africa.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Camp photo

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Camp Photos

Bible Study Group Camp

We had a camp at Montagu (North-east of Worcester, in Western Cape by members of our Bible Study Group (see photo). The camp was from 7th to 9th April 2006.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda

Our late President Dr. Hastings H. Banda of Malawi. He was a powerful man ever to lead the Malawi Nation.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

My Wife is in Malawi

Agness, my wife and our youngest grandchild Vincent left Stellenbosch, South Africa for Malawi on 29th January 2006, and arrived in Malawi on 1st February 2006. I remain in South Africa with the other grandchildren, Edina and Lonjezo. Agness and Vincent are to spend two months holiday with their family and friends - they are axpected to return to South Africa at the and of March 2006. Whilst in Malawi, Agness has been able to attend some church functions like Reverend Abale Phiri's induction at St. Andrews CCAP Church in Mulanje Presbytery on 5th February 2006. It was a very big function indeed, Agness tells me. Members of St Andrews demonstrated that they really want Rev. Abale Phiri to minister them, and the visible sign was the way they gave him and his family lots of gifts. Rev. Abale Phiri had just graduated from the University of Stellenbosch with Master's degree in Theology. Congratulations Rev. and Mrs. Abale Phiri, and God bless you and your family in your ministry at St. Andrews.

Also, whilst in Malawi, Agness will be able to supervise continuation of building of a new house for her mum. God bless you and keep you Agness and Vincent!

Joseph, Edina and Lonjezo, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.