Tuesday, November 29, 2005

"Braai" at this week's Bible Study

Besides my being a member of Stellenbosch United (Presbyterian/Congregational) Church, I belong to an Ecumenical Bible Group led by my friend Ulli and his wife Heide. It is ecumenical in the sense that we are members from more than one denomination, although the greater number comes from the Baptist Church. In addition to its being ecumenical, it is also international. There are members from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Ethiopia, Germany, Tanzania, Gabon, etc. We meet every Wednesday evening from 7.00 p.m.

This week's meeting is special by way of it being "an end of the year cook-out" or what South Africans call 'Braai'. The venue will be Ulli and Heide's place. There will be lots of meat, sausages and cold drinks. Main contributors will be Ulli and Heide, Maggie and Yurrie. The rest of us will bring snacks and drinks. We are inviting others to be there with us on this special day. For me, I will take my wife Agness. May God bless you all our friends.

Rev. &Mrs. Thipa, Stellenbosch University, RSA

Friday, November 25, 2005

Patricia welcomed Jason into our village house

My daughter Patricia tells me Mrs. Chimutu, with whom Jason Smith travelled by bus from Johannesburg, contacted her so that she would hand-over the visiting Jason on Monday 21st November 2005. This did take place. My church, Synod of Blantyre in Malawi, offered a car which took Patricia and Jason to our village house, about 10 miles away.

On Tuesday, 22nd November 2005, Jason and Patricia went to the Synod of Blantyre offices for orientation and being taken around the Station, which used to be a Mission Station of The Church of Scotland. I was able to talk to Jason over the phone. He expressed gratitude for being offered accommodation at the village house. The officials of Synod of Blantyre have confirmed with me that they will make a programme for Jason to visit and work under the church programmes that are targeted towards caring and empowering orphans.

Joseph Thipa (Rev.), Stellenbosch University, RSA

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Jason Smith arrives in Malawi at last

Jason Smith arrived in Malawi last night after being delayed in Mozambique by an accident involving a trailer of the bus they were travelling in on Monday. From the information I received from Mr. Chimutu in Johannesburg, the trailer accidentally disconnected from the back of the bus whilst the bus was in motion. The result was that the trailer overturned and fell off the road. This accident delayed the bus by many hours so that it had to arrive in Malawi round about the middle of last night. This forced Jason to put up for the night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chimutu in Chilomoni, Blantyre.

Only today, I have been communicating with Patricia, my daughter, in Malawi to be ready in receiving word from Mrs. Chimutu about the arrival of Jason Smith. Jason and Mrs. Chimutu travelled together on this Vaal Africa bus to Malawi. I expect Jason to be taken to my home village where he will be based for the entire 3 weeks of his stay in Malawi.

Joseph Thipa (Rev.), Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Jason Smith is on his way to Malawi

It is nice that I am making friends everyday. My dear friend Jeff Woodard in Oklahoma introduced me to Jason Smith a month ago. Jason is on a world-wide tour for 7 months. He asked me if he would be able to come to Malawi and experience working among orphans for 3 weeks. Praise God, my Blantyre Synod, the church I serve, accepted Jason to come to Malawi and work as a volunteer in the Blantyre Synod projects responsible for caring and empowering orphans.

Jason had arrived in Johannesburg on Friday 19th November 2005. And he left Johannesburg for Malawi on Sunday 20th November 2005 by Vaal Africa Bus. Whilst in Johannesburg, Jason was being hosted by another long-time dear friend Mr. Chimutu, who works in Johannesburg. Right today, Jason is expected to arrive in Malawi. My daughter, Patricia and Rev. T.H. Kapengule will be there at the the bus station to welcome Janson.

Joseph Thipa (Rev.), Stellenbosch, RSA

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Exams time now at Stellenbosch University

Hi, our dear friends,

It is now examination time for those taking examinable courses here at Stellenbosch University, up until 3rd of December 2005. This year's graduations start on the 13th December and finish on the 15th December. My wife Agness, the grandchildren and I are well settled in our newly found home. We had to move out of our old home because of some problems there - things like it was not working well for us with the contributory type of paying electricity and the smaller space of the flat than the present one.

We will not be able to spend Christmas in Malawi this year again. But my wife will be able to see home again in January 2006 after she left it last year in July. I will remain behind with the grandchildren. agness will spend one or two months in Malawi.

We wish you our dear friends God's blessings. I promise to keep you informed about our stay here in Stellenbosch, Western Cape, Republic of South Africa.

Joseph Thipa (Rev.), Stellenbosch, RSA